
Spring Chinook taking off

Catch the Action: Spring Salmon Fishing on the Willamette River!*


Join us for an unforgettable fishing experience on the Willamette River this spring! Our guided fishing trips will put you right in the midst of the salmon run, where you’ll have the chance to reel in a prize catch.


*When:* Late March to early June (peak season)

*Where:* Willamette River, Oregon

*What:* Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing

*Why:* Experience the thrill of catching a fresh, hard-fighting salmon in the heart of the Pacific Northwest!


Our expert guides will provide top-notch equipment, expert advice, and a passion for fishing that’s contagious. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or just starting out, we’ll help you make memories that will last a lifetime.


*Book your trip today and get ready to reel in the fun


Also it’s not to early to book your trips for ocean Coho and Chinook. fall salmon best dates go quickly and I have excellent ones available